Steven Kozicki | Park Ridge, IL Attorney | Suburban Express

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Steven Kozicki, Park Ridge, IL Attorney: AVOID

209 Brian Lane, Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Are you thinking of hiring Steven Kozicki? Think again. Here, we chronicle
our experiences with Steven Kozicki, including his unresponsiveness, repeated
streaks of unavailability due to medical issues/procedures and impairment due to 
prescription drugs related to surgery, apparently fraudulent billing, failure to 
properly complete simple court paperwork, and more.

Check back soon for pdfs and details. 

In the meantime, check out his website. The poor fucker can't even spell
the name of the street he's on. 
Steven Kozicki Website

Here's his domain registration...street name misspelled again. 
Steven Kozicki Domain Registration

Always hire an attorney with good attention to detail. Steven Kozicki does 
not seem to qualify.

UPDATE: Lawsuit filed against Steven Kozicki for what would best be described
as billing fraud. He was served with a summons 4/4/16.

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Our other friends:

Katherine Chi | Jason Dienhart | Murph Finnicum | David King | Jeremy Leval
Bharat Ponnaluri | Chris Mulreed | Joel Steinfeldt

Everything on this page is true to the best of our knowledge and belief or it is
our opinion.